Stay or Quit?

by - Juli 23, 2015

halo halo..
rasanya sudah lama saya menginggalkan blog ini untuk di isi. banyak sekali yang ingin saya tulis namun tidak sempat. dan ketika saya kembali akan mengisi, saya mulai berfikir apa yang saya akan tulis selain keluhan saya yang ingin resign dari pekerjaan saya sejak beberapa bulan terakhir.
adakah hal lain? karena sampai sekarang pikiran saya masih terus di penuhi bisikan itu..

dulu saya merasa cocok dan menyukai semua yang saya kerjakan tapi entah kenapa sekarang saya sudah kehilangan gairah itu. dulu saya begitu teliti dengan pekerjaan saya tapi sekarang saya sudah mulai kehilangan konsentrasi dengan apa saja yang saya kerjakan. saya berfikir kenapa? apakah ada yang salah dengan saya? karena saya tahu mencari pekerjaan susahnya bukan main. dan yang saya takutkan adalah menganggur lama lagi.

sampai kemarin saya menemukan sebuah artikel di All Women Stalk yang membuat saya benar benar menyadari semua yang saya keluhkan menjadi satu. memang tidak ada pekerjaan yang sempurna, yang nyaman dari segi pekerjaan dan finansial.
artikel itu tidak membuat saya langsung pergi resign dari kantor (hahaha), namun cukup membuat merasa cocok semua yang saya keluhkan ada di kumpulkan dalam suatu tulisan.

1. Going to work makes you physically sick
Everyone has those days when they don't want to get out of bed. However, if getting up and going to work makes you physically sick everyday, this is a pretty good indicator that it's time to look for another opportunity. There's no such thing as a perfect job, but this doesn't mean you have to stick with a job you absolutely hate.

2. You know more than your Boss
If you've been at your job for several years, you might come to the realization that you know more than your boss. This isn't meant to make you sound cocky. But if you've been learning or taking courses over the past few years, you might be qualified to take your bosses job. You have a choice, either stay in a position that doesn't challenge you, or #look for a better opportunity.

3. You're not getting paid what you worth
You might like the company, your boss and your coworkers, but if your employer is unable to pay a competitive wage, there's nothing wrong with looking for work elsewhere. Smaller companies don't always have cashflow to pay top dollars. If your experience, skills and education can command a higher salary, and if other companies in the area are paying their employees more for the same work, it's #time to explore your options.

4. Your Employer is in trouble financially
You might have a sense of loyalty to your employer. But if the company isn't doing well financially, or if you feel the company might go under soon, now's the #time to jump ship - especially if there's no chance of getting a severance package.

5. There's no opportunity for advancement
If climbing the career ladder is your goal, you need to get with a company that will allow you to move up the corporate ranks. This isn't an option at every single company. So if you feel a position stunts your growth and there's no room for advancement, it's #time to move on to better things.

6. Your Personal life suffers
Some employers want all your time and energy. You might not have a personal life, and striking a healthy work-life balance can feel impossible. If you don't want to be a slave to your job, you might consider opportunities that'll free up your personal #time.

7. You don't agree with company culture
Some companies are very professional, whereas others are more laid-back. Some employers don't tolerate backstabbing, while other feel it's "every #man for himself." At the end of the day, you have to decide whether the company's culture is the right fit for you.

The decision to quit your job is a tough one. But if quitting brings personal satisfaction and lets you #grow and challenge yourself, it's worth considering. What are other good reasons to finally quit a job and move on?

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